Mouth Guards

Let our exceptional Woodstock dentist protect your teeth and oral cavity from injuries with custom fitted mouth guards!

Mouth guards are resilient plastic appliances designed to cover over and encase a person’s teeth and the gums and bones that support them. We take an impression of your bite to custom-fit the guard. It is meant to provide protection for the teeth, jaw, lips, cheeks and gums by absorbing and redistributing the impacting forces of teeth grinding or injuries to the area of the mouth. The custom-fitted mouth guard is designed specifically for you to perfectly fir your dental arch and provide the best protection. Dr. Michaels, your Woodstock dentist, always makes sure that you’re comfortable wearing your mouth guard and it does not hinder your ability to breathe and speak.

Woodtock dentist - Mouth Guards - boy with sports guard after hockey practice

Boy with sports guard after hockey practice

Woodstock dentist - mouth guards - custom-fitted night guard

Custom-fitted Night Guard

Custom-fitted Night Guards by your Woodstock Dentist

Night guardsare extremely important if you tend to grind your teeth or clench your jaw while sleeping. This hard to control habit can cause other health problems, such as chronic headaches, earaches and jaw pain. The night guard absorbs the pressure caused by teeth grinding, preventing your teeth from getting worn down and the pressure from affecting your jaws and ear, among others.

Custom-fitted Sports Guards by your Woodstock Dentist

Sports guardsare recommended to all our athlete patients, or patients who partake in high intensity daily activity. They ensure the safety of your teeth during any sport encounters, accidents, or injuries. The sports guard absorbs the pressure exerted by any force to the mouth area, leaving your teeth, jaws and gums healthy and in one piece.

Learn more about mouth protection.

At your Woodstock dentist, we make your dental experience as comfortable, simple, and convenient as possible, starting with booking your dental appointment!


Our Toronto Dentist is a proud member of the following associations:

Woodstock Dentist - Ontario Dental AssociationWoodstock Dentist - American Dental AssocationWoodstock Dentsit - International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI)Woodstock Dentist - Canadian Dental Association



741 Dundas Street,
Woodstock, ON,
N4S 1E8


Toll Free: 1-833-537-6667
Tel: 519-537-6666
Fax: 519-537-7135


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Friday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Saturdays(2 per month) - 9:00am – 3:00pm
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