Checkups & Cleanings
Dental Checkups and Cleanings at your Woodstock Dentist are key to maintaining a healthy smile!
Patients from all ages benefit from regular checkups. They’re encouraged to pay us a visit every 3-6 months for a dental hygiene appointment, where we make sure your oral health is in great condition, prevent any dental problems from happening, or start treating the problem early on.
At Woodstock Dental Centre, our professional dental hygienists provide education during all phases of treatment. They customize an oral care program for you to address all matters related to your oral health. During your dental hygiene visit, our Woodstock dental hygienist will review your chart and medical status, examine your head, neck, gums, teeth and mouth for abnormalities; measure the attachment of the gums to your teeth, record all findings on your chart, take prescribed x-rays when required, scale your teeth to remove plaque and tartar, polish your teeth to remove stains and apply fluoride to strengthen your teeth.
Your Woodstock Dentist cares about you! Up to 90% less radiation exposure!
Dental x-rays are essential to preventive dentistry. X-rays, also known as radiographs, reveal dental problems that can go undetected with the naked eye. Together, a visual oral exam and x-rays provide valuable information for the diagnosis and treatment of dental problems early before they become more serious. At Woodstock Dental Centre, Dr. David Michaels and his team of caring dental professionals utilize digital x-ray technology, which is faster, easier and safer compared to traditional x-ray techniques. Digital technology provides our patients with increased accuracy, increased efficiency and increased precision of care.
Expect an Oral Cancer Screening at your Woodstock Dentist!
Oral cancer involves the abnormal growth or spread of cells in the mouth. It may appear in the oral cavity, including gums, tongue, lips, cheeks, floor and roof of the mouth, salivary glands, and back of the throat. Just like the case with any other type of cancer, early detection and treatment of oral cancer is vital!
At Woodstock Dental Centre our experienced team of dental professionals perform a comprehensive oral exam during your regular dental check-up to evaluate you for any abnormalities or any signs of the disease. Oral cancer treatment can be successful if performed at the early stages of the disease.
Learn more about oral cancer.
At your Woodstock dentist, we make your dental experience as comfortable, simple, and convenient as possible, starting with booking your dental appointment!
741 Dundas Street,
Woodstock, ON,
N4S 1E8
Toll Free: 1-833-537-6667
Tel: 519-537-6666
Fax: 519-537-7135
Email: [email protected]
Monday: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday : 9:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Sat-Sun: Closed